вторник, 9 ноября 2010 г.

Терапия генерализованного тревожного расстройства

Studies comparing antidepressants with benzodiazepines in the treatment of GAD showed that although benzodiazepines work quickly, the antidepressants lower anxiety more effectively in the long term.[11] Antidepressants that have been approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of GAD are extended-release venlafaxine,[12] duloxetine,[13] escitalopram,[14] and paroxetine.[15] Although not FDA approved, citalopram has also been found to be effective for the treatment of GAD.[16] Whereas benzodiazepines have been shown effective for shortterm anxiety, they may worsen depression, a common comorbidity of GAD, and cause other cognitive adverse effects such as sedation and anterograde amnesia. Individuals with a history of substance abuse or dependence should not use benzodiazepines, but patients with no such history rarely abuse these agents and can use them safely.[17] Buspirone and pregabalin also have proven efficacy for GAD.[18–21]

Table 1. Summary of Clinical Trials of Adjunctive Use of Atypical Antipsychotics for Treatment-Resistant Generalized Anxiety Disordera

Agent Study Design No. of Patients Study Duration (wks) Mean Daily Dose (mg) Change in Assessment Score Mean Weight Gain (lbs)b
Aripiprazole[30] Open label 17 4.9 16.9 CGI-S: −1.6 NR
Aripiprazole[31] Open label 10 9 NR HAM-A: −20.6 7.1
Aripiprazole[32] Open label 9 6 13.9 HAM-A: −12
CGI-I: 8 of 9 patients rated as much improved or very much improved
Aripiprazole[33] Open label 23 8 10.5 HAM-A: −6.7
CGI-S: −1
Olanzapine[34] Randomized, controlled 21 6 8.7 HAM-A: olanzapine −7 vs placebo −3.9 (p=0.4)
CGI-S: 67% of patients rated as not at all ill or borderline ill
Quetiapine[35] Randomized, controlled 58 8 182 HAM-A: quetiapine −12.5 vs placebo −5.9 (p=0.002) 5.2
Quetiapine[36] Randomized, controlled 22 8 120 HAM-A: quetiapine −2.6 vs placebo −0.3 (p=0.98) 2.7
Quetiapine[37] Open label 40 12 386 HAM-A: −20.6 1.1
Risperidone[38] Open label 16 8 1.12 HAM-A: −6.75
CGI-S: −1.53
Risperidone[39] Randomized, controlled 40 5 1.1 HAM-A: risperidone −9.8 vs placebo −6.2 (p=0.034) 2.3
Risperidone[40] Randomized, controlled 390 4 0.86 HAM-A: risperidone −9.26 vs placebo −9.12 (p=0.858)
PaRTS-A: risperidone −8.54 vs placebo −7.61 (p=0.265)
Ziprasidone[41] Open label 13 7 40 HAM-A: −11.2 0.2

HAM-A = Hamilton Rating Scale for Anxiety (lower scores indicate less severe symptoms of anxiety); CGI-S = Clinical Global Impressions-Severity (lower scores indicate less severe illness); CGI-I = Clinical Global Impression–Improvement; NR = not reported; PaRTS-A = Patient-Rated TroublingSymptoms for Anxiety.
aAll atypical antipsychotic treatment was added to current antidepressant therapy.
bIn patients who received the atypical antipsychotic.

Adjunctive Use of Atypical Antipsychotics for Treatment-resistant Generalized Anxiety Disorder

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