понедельник, 1 ноября 2010 г.

Нейротоксичность лития при нормальных концентрациях

To the Editor: Lithium is used with great success in the treatment and prophylaxis of bipolar disorders, unipolar recurrent depression, and endogenous depression that is resistant to conventional treatment. It is also known to be neurotoxic at higher serum levels. In rare cases patients develop symptoms of intoxication even with normal lithium levels.

Case Report

A 61-year-old man with history of bipolar disorder that was managed with lithium for more than 20 years presented with complaints of psychomotor slowdown, unsteady gait, memory deficits, restlessness, sleep disorder, and severe tremor in his hand that prevented him from eating or drinking properly. These symptoms had begun in the previous week. There was no recent history of fever, respiratory, gastrointestinal, or urinary complaints. He was medicated with lithium, 800 mg/day, and fluvoxamine, 200 mg/day, and the dosage of his medication had remained unchanged over the last year.

Neurological examination showed psychomotor slowdown, inattention, temporal disorientation, severe episodic memory impairment, motor and verbal perseveration, slurred speech, and hypophonia. Symmetrical global and segmental bradykinesia and lead-pipe rigidity, as well as tremor at rest, intention, and posture, were also evident. His gait was abnormal with shuffling small steps and a hunched-forward upper body.

An analytic study revealed no abnormalities, including CBC, renal, thyroid and hepatic function, and PCR. Lithium serum levels were normal (1.0 mmol/liter).

EEG showed diffuse slow background activity, mainly at 5–6 Hz, with periods of greater lentification at 3 Hz, which is compatible with moderate to severe encephalopathy. A brain CT was normal. The patient was admitted and lithium was stopped. There was remarkable clinical improvement over the next days, and he was discharged at day 5, asymptomatic and on valproic acid (300 mg/day).

Lithium Neurotoxicity at Normal Serum Levels

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