Stimulus control therapy. Bootzin et al5 first evaluated stimulus control therapy for conditioned insomnia (subsequently identified as primary insomnia). This therapy’s goal is to interrupt the conditioned activation that occurs at bedtime. Patients are instructed to:
go to bed when sleepy
remain in bed for no more than 10 minutes (20 minutes if elderly) without sleeping
if unable to sleep, get up, do something boring, and return to bed only when sleepy
repeat getting up and returning as frequently as necessary until sleep onset.
For the first 2 weeks of stimulus control therapy, patients are required to self-monitor their sleep behaviors using a sleep diary. Stimulus control therapy is beneficial for primary insomnia and insomnia related to anxious preoccupation. About 70% of patients with conditioned insomnia will improve using stimulus control therapy,4 but it is not clear whether the primary effective intervention is:
patients dissociating conditioned responses at bedtime, or
the inevitable sleep restriction caused by getting out of bed.
Relaxation training. Progressive muscle relaxation is a common behavioral treatment of insomnia. Patients learn to tense and then relax individual muscles, beginning at the feet or head and working their way up or down the body. Patients are taught the difference between tension and relaxation to facilitate a relaxation response at bedtime. Another method is the body scanning technique, in which the patient “talks” to each body part, telling it to “relax… relax… relax.”
Relaxation training is predicated on the belief that insomnia is caused by somatized tension and psychophysiologic arousal. The greatest challenge to effective relaxation training is that patients need extensive daytime practice before they can bring the method to the bedroom.
Remind patients that “practice makes perfect.” Therapists often instruct patients to start practicing their relaxation method during the day while self-monitoring by sleep diary and restricting time in bed at night.2
CBTi is the most extensively investigated nonpharmacologic therapy for insomnia.6 It has been used to effectively manage comorbid insomnia in patients with psychiatric disorders,7,8 such as depression,9 generalized anxiety,10 and alcohol dependence,11 as well as those with breast cancer,12 traumatic brain injury,13 and fibromyalgia.14 Age does not appear to be a limitation; research trials show the technique is effective in elderly patients.15
CBTi incorporates cognitive strategies and behavioral interventions to improve sleep quality. Patient self-monitoring with sleep diaries and worksheets is essential.
CBTi commonly is provided in 5 to 8 sessions over 8 to 12 weeks, although studies have described abbreviated practices that used 2 sessions16 and CBTi delivered over the Internet.17 Highly trained clinical psychologists are at the forefront of therapy, but counselors and nurses in primary care settings have administered CBTi.18 For primary insomnia, CBTi is superior in efficacy to pharmacotherapy:
as initial treatment19
for long-term management4
in assisting discontinuation of hypnotic medication.20
Put your patients to sleep: Useful nondrug strategies for chronic insomnia
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