четверг, 24 июня 2010 г.

Временные обрывы маниакального состояния вестибулярной стимуляцией

Caloric vestibular stimulation is a common clinical procedure, routinely employed during testing of vestibulocochlear nerve function. The procedure involves stimulation of vestibular afferents by the application of cooled water to the tympanic membrane. Vestibular afferents are distributed widely to areas of the diencephalon and cortex, including areas believed to be involved in the regulation of mood. In accordance with these observations, imaging studies have shown widespread though largely contralateral hemispheric activation following the procedure.

Vestibular stimulation in mania: acase report

1 комментарий:

  1. Эту манипуляцию интересно описал Ramachandran в книге "Phantoms in the Brain".

    P.S. Интересный блог, спасибо.
